The article analyzes the peculiarities of creating innovative potential of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization of regional economic systems. It is determined that the innovative potential can be considered from the point of view of the ability to produce/produce innovations on the basis of continuous, purposeful, professional, client-oriented activity, based on application of progressive knowledge, generation and realization of the most viable ideas, their commercialization, which makes it necessary to effectively cooperate with external environment and system functioning of all components of the enterprise. The interrelation of the components of the potential of the enterprise and peculiarities of its interaction with the external environment is outlined. Factors of formation of innovative potential of enterprises under conditions of innovative and digital tendencies are determined. The general trends of development of innovative opportunities of Ukraine according to the world ratings have been analyzed (World Competitiveness Rankings, Global Innovation Index). The structure of the sources of financing of innovation activity of industrial enterprises and the change of share of the number of innovation-active enterprises in the total number of industrial enterprises is analyzed. Assessment of direct losses in the industrial sector as a result of the war was carried out. It is determined that attraction of foreign investors into the domestic economy is possible by means of the use of digital transformation instruments, for example, the electronic platform Advantage Ukraine, as well as through the programs of international assistance, for example: «EU4Business: Competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs». The geography of activity of enterprises receiving microgrants from EU4Business is analyzed. It is well-grounded that digital transformation, dizhitalization has a stimulating effect on the development of all spheres, in particular, on the formation of innovative potential of enterprises. In this context, consistency and systematization are important to ensure an appropriate level of adaptability, taking into account limited resources and the formation of the environmental impact of limited resources.
Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University
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4 articles.