1. 1) BS 5950: Structural Use of Steelwork in Building, Part 8: Code of Practice for Fire Resistant Design, (British Standards Institution, London, 1990).
2. 2) BS ENV 1993: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1.2: Structural Fire Design (Including UK NAD), (British Standards Institution, London, 1996).
3. 3) BS ENV 1994: Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, Part 1.2: Structural Fire Design (Including UK NAD), (British Standards Institution, London, 1996).
4. 4) R. M. Lawson and G. M. Newman: Structural Fire Design to EC3 & EC4, and Comparison with BS 5950, (The Steel Construction Institute, Ascot, England, 1996) p. 3.
5. 5) B. R. Kirby: Fire, Static and Dynamic Tests of Building Structures, ed. by G. S. T. Armer and T. O’Dell, (E & FN Spon, London, 1997) pp. 111–126.