1. Zaporizhzhia National University
2. Zaporizhia Specialized Boarding School of Levels II-III "Cossack Lyceum"
The work systematizes the authors’ experience of using information technologies in the educational process of a general secondary education institution and presents the authors’ model of effective development of students' information and communication competence based on it.
A model of a two-level system of formation of information and communication competence of students in the educational process has been developed. At the first level of the model, teachers use information tools during lessons to form students' basic knowledge and skills. At the second level, information technologies are used by teachers in extracurricular activities as a tool for creating creative products of students (in particular, scientific research works, educational projects, posters, presentations, video demonstrations), as well as their own developments (pedagogical technologies, teaching aids, etc.), which contributes to the formation of students' comprehensive ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practice, and, therefore, information and communication competence.
To implement the first level of the proposed model, a comparative analysis of the most common information tools was conducted, the results of which are presented using original schemes. Information tools that ensure high-quality educational process at the "Cossack Lyceum" were subject to analysis: learning management systems – Google Classroom and NZ.UA; video conferencing platforms - Zoom and Google Meet; online boards – Jamboard, IDroo and Flinga; tools for creating information content – Google Presentations, Canva, Prezi and Microsoft Sway; software for simulating natural processes – Phet and Mozaik Education; tools for creating interactive exercises – Mentimeter, Kahoot, Wordwall, Live Worksheets and Learning Apps. The implementation of the second level of the model is shown on the example of a student's creative product created by participating in the competition of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. We associate promising directions for further research with the development of methodological recommendations for the use of information and communication technologies at various stages of students' creative activity.
Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy