1. Professor at Department of General Mathematics Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
2. Associate Professor at Department of Applied Physics and Nanomaterials, Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
The article considers the problem of involving students in innovative activities in the process of teaching physics. The methodical features of conducting city competition of creative works (the author's form of extracurricular activities of students in teaching physics) on improvement of the physical demonstration experiment are presented and considered.
The purpose and conditions of the competition, the directions in which the evaluation of student works is carried out, the criteria for evaluation of works are described.
The principal features of this physical and technical creative competition, in contrast to others, are that all interested students of grades 7-11 can become participants, regardless of the level of academic success; Criteria for evaluating student work are, first of all, the degree of development of student creativity (from the ability to only materialize the teacher's idea to the independent formulation of the idea, determining the conditions of the problem and its solution), novelty and degree of scientificity. In addition, it is stated that a special educational competition is the educational environment, which is characterized by humanity and tolerance, while minimizing opportunities for competition between participants from the same class or school. It is due to the observance of these positions that the city competition of creative works demonstrates its high rating among such events and proves its effectiveness from the standpoint of developing students' creative ability during 2010-2020.
It is substantiated that the competition proposed and introduced in the educational process of physics in Zaporizhzhia not only plays an important role in activating students’ creative activity in teaching physics, but also is an effective organizational form of professional training of students majoring in 014 Secondary education 014.08 Secondary education (Physics) at Zaporizhia National University. Students, who are future teachers of physics, take an active part in this mass event both as student leaders (consultants) and as organizers of the competition.
Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy
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3 articles.