The purpose of the study: theoretical and analytical substantiation of factors affecting the level of quality management of services of railway transport enterprises in Ukraine.The article analyzes the main scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the determination of the factors affecting the level of service quality management of enterprises, including railway transport enterprises. This is especially acute during the period of hostilities taking place on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, during the period of hostilities, the number of transportation services increased, especially due to the evacuation of the population and free travel. That is why the development of the potential of transport enterprises, including railway ones, is of crucial importance. The dynamics of changes in the transportation of passengers and cargo by modes of transport are presented in the paper with railway transport as a priority. The category of concepts " product quality" and "quality of services" has been analyzed.The internal (production, socio-psychological, human, organizational) and external (political, economic, social, technological, ecological, cultural, medical-biological) factors that affect the quality of services have been singled out, as well as the factor that affects the level of service quality management of railway transport enterprises, which, according to the authors, includes: reliability, safety, sensitivity, competence, accessibility, sociability, understanding, materiality, as physical parameters of the service, trust, courtesy. An integral indicator of the quality management level of railway transport enterprises is proposed. It has been found that in the future the construction of an integral indicator of the level of service quality management of railway transport enterprises and the determination of its forecast values may form the basis of the development of the state regional development strategy and separately be important for the development plans of railway transport enterprises.
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