Examining the scenarios created by pre-service teachers regarding misconceptions that may occur in the teaching process


YAZICI Nurullah, ,ŞIMŞEK Mertkan, ,


In this research, pre-service mathematics teachers were asked to prepare scenarios about what possible misconceptions might be in the classroom teaching process and how a solution strategy could be used based on the cognitive conflict approach in order to overcome these misconceptions. Based on these scenarios, it is aimed to determine what type of possible misconceptions may be related to which content standards. This research was conducted using an integrative mixed method design, which allows qualitative and quantitative methods to be used together or sequentially. The study group of the research consists of 60 primary school pre-service mathematics teachers who have successfully completed the "Misconceptions in Mathematics Teaching" and "Teaching Practice" courses. The data of this research consists of misconception scenarios created by pre-service teachers and a semi-structured interview form. In the analysis of the scenarios, correspondence analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between misconception types and content standards. Considering the research results based on misconception types, it was seen that the most common misconception type was overgeneralization, whereas the misconception type in the wrong translation did not emerge. When the research results are examined in the context of content standards of mathematics, it is seen that the misconceptions mostly belong to the subjects of numbers and operations.


Babes-Bolyai University


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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1. Systematic literature review: Identification of misconceptions in mathematics learning;Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika;2023-05-31








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