1. Weintraub, Stanley. 1987.Victoria: An Intimate Biography414–15. New York: Truman Talley. For reports of the incident and subsequent trial, seeDaily Telegraph, 19, 23, 25 June, 3 August 1875 For the reactions, see, ‘Scandalous Miscarriage of Justice’,Reynold's Newspaper, 8 August 1875;Entr'acte, 28 August 1875;World, 11 August 1875. Baker was sentenced to one year's imprisonment, a £500 fine and costs. The more usual sentence, as meted out to working-class offenders, so it was claimed, was two year's imprisonment with hard labour. The Colonel was spared the latter penalty. Baker later redeemed himself with a distinguished career in the Turkish army; for this and an exculpatory account of the assault by a descendant, see Anne Baker,A Question of Honour: The Life of Lieutenant General Valentine Baker Pasha(London: Leo Cooper, 1996).
2. Williams, Raymond. 1973.The Country and the City281–2. London: Chatto and Windus. Christopher Prendergast,Paris and the Nineteenth Century(Oxford: Blackwell, 1992).