1. An Act to Attach Certain Conditions to the Construction of Future Railways. Vol. 7 & 8 Vict., Cap. LXXXV. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1845.
2. An Act to remove doubts as to the meaning of Expressions relative to Time occurring in Acts of Parliament, deeds, and other legal instruments, 43 & 44 Vict., c. 9 § (1880).
3. Anon. ‘Editorial’. The Times, no. 21343 (4 February 1853): 4.
4. ———. ‘Editorial’. The Times, no. 28094 (29 August 1874): 9.
5. ———. ‘Editorial’. The Times, no. 31254 (2 October 1884): 9.