1. Dep. of Plant and Soil SciencesOklahoma State Univ.StillwaterOK74078
2. Dep. of Entomology and Plant PathologyOklahoma State Univ.StillwaterOK74078
3. Dep. of Animal ScienceOklahoma State Univ.StillwaterOK74078
4. USDA‐ARS, Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research UnitKansas State Univ.4008 Throckmorton HallManhattanKS66506
5. Dep. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Food and Agricultural Products CenterOklahoma State Univ.StillwaterOK74078
6. Oklahoma Crop Improvement Assoc.2902 West 6th Ave.StillwaterOK74074
7. USDA‐ARS, Cereal Disease Lab., 1551 Lindig St.Univ. MinnesotaSt. PaulMN55108
8. USDA‐ARSCenter for Grain and Animal Health Research1515 College Ave.ManhattanKS66502