Character Education Management in Improving Madrasah Quality


Hadi Syamsul,


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze in depth the management of character education in improving the quality of madrasas at MTsN 6 Jombang and MTsN 2 Kediri, two institutions that have both won national awards in the field of character education. As for the details, this study describes and analyzes in depth about a) character education management planning in improving the quality of madrasas, b) implementation of character education management in improving the quality of madrasas, c) evaluation of character education management in improving the quality of madrasas. This research uses a qualitative approach with a multi-site study type. Sources of informant data, events, locations and documents both primary and secondary. Data collection techniques with participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis used Huberman’s interactive data analysis technique. While checking the validity of the data is done through peer discussions, triangulation of data sources and triangulation of methods. The findings of this study are; 1) planning for improving the quality of madrasah is a process of determining strategic targets and programs in improving the quality of madrasah based on character education; 2) implementation of madrasah quality improvement management is an act of learning and habituation of curriculum-based characters, extra programs and madrasah programs; 3) evaluation using the achievement indicator approach of the madrasah vision and mission. The research results support Terry’s opinion about the management function, Sallis’ opinion that the quality improvement steps are identification of customer needs, product development with special features and system development. Also Sallis’s opinion that quality madrasas are madrasas that have high moral/character values, excellent exam results, and concern and concern for students. The results of the study offer the concept of madrasah programs, such as child-friendly madrasa programs, literacy madrasas, adiwiyata madrasah and madrasah as character education approaches in improving the quality of madrasah.


International Journal of Clinical Science and Medical Research

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