1. University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology, UK
This article is about the ‘pains of probation’ experienced by young adult men with a sexual conviction. It draws on the findings from a research study completed between July and August 2022. Seventeen participants who were subject to a probation Community Order or Suspended Sentence Order in England and Wales were interviewed about their experiences, and the impact, of community punishment on their lives. Three groups of pains were identified, which are pervasive, reaching beyond the boundaries of the Order. The strategies utilised by the young adults to manage these pains are explored, with the supervisory relationship a key factor in alleviating pains. This article argues that being subject to a probation order is experienced as painful, with the nature and type of deprivation affected by offence type and demographic variations. Despite the limitations of the exploratory study from which this article is drawn, there are implications for penal policy and future research.