Organisational Factors Affecting the Quality of Hospital Clinical Coding


Santos Suong1,Murphy Gregory2,Baxter Kathryn3,Robinson Kerin M


1. Suong Santos BHlthInfoManagt(Hons), Health Information Manager, Coding and Casemix, Services, Health Information Services, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3004, AUSTRALIA

2. Gregory Murphy BA, MA, DipEd, PhD, MAPS, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Division of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora VIC 3086, AUSTRALIA, Phone: +61 3 9479 1745

3. Kathryn Baxter BAppSc(MRA), Project Manager, Information Services, Western Health, Footscray VIC 3011, AUSTRALIA


The influence of organisational factors on the quality of hospital coding using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Related Problems, 10th Revision, Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM) was investigated using a mixed quantitative-qualitative approach. The organisational variables studied were: hospital specialty; geographical locality; structural characteristics of the coding unit; education, training and resource supports for Clinical Coders; and quality control mechanisms. Baseline data on the hospitals' coding quality, measured by the Performance Indicators for Coding Quality tool, were used as an independent index measure. No differences were found in error rates between rural and metropolitan hospitals, or general and specialist hospitals. Clinical Coder allocation to ‘general’ rather than ‘specialist’ unit coding resulted in fewer errors. Coding Managers reported that coding quality can be improved by: Coders engaging in a variety of role behaviours; improved Coder career opportunities; higher staffing levels; reduced throughput; fewer time constraints on coding outputs and associated work; and increased Coder interactions with medical staff.


SAGE Publications


Health Policy,Leadership and Management







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