Head teacher perspectives on school lunch: At variance with national policy


Berggren Linda1,Waling Maria1ORCID,Olsson Cecilia1ORCID


1. Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden


Objective: Previous research indicates that head teachers in Sweden frequently fail to see school lunch as part of the educational activities of a school. This study contributes to an understanding of how head teachers in Sweden perceive and experience current national policy intentions related to school lunch. Design: Qualitative inquiry. Setting: Ten municipal state schools in Sweden. Method: Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 head teachers responsible for the compulsory education of 6- to 15-year-olds in state schools. Data from digitally recorded and transcribed interviews were thematically analysed. Results: Head teachers primarily saw school lunch as a means to ensure pupils were fed and energised. Their focus tended to be on what followed after school lunch in the form of academic performance and mood, rather than the stated intentions of national school meal policy. Head teachers stressed the value of a free and nutritious school lunch for social equality, and the importance of good collaboration with food service managers and school meal personnel, despite the difficulty of achieving this. Conclusion: This paper highlights a gap between head teachers’ perspectives with respect to school lunch and official intentions stated in Swedish national school meals policy. The meanings head teachers saw as connected to school lunch were those of social equality and ensuring pupils were fed, rather than the wider potential envisioned by the authorities. This paper identifies factors that affect the possibility of realising national policy intentions for school lunch in Sweden.


SAGE Publications


Education,Health (social science)

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1. School leadership that supports health promotion in schools: A systematic literature review

2. Dietary effects of introducing school meals based on the New Nordic Diet – a randomised controlled trial in Danish children. The OPUS School Meal Study

3. Learning through school meals?

4. Berggren L (2021) ‘It’s not really about the food, it’s about everything else’: Pupil, teacher and head teacher experiences of school lunch in Sweden. PhD Thesis, Umeå University, Umeå. Available at: https://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1524703/FULLTEXT01.pdf (accessed 5 December 2022).

5. Between good intentions and practical constraints: Swedish teachers’ perceptions of school lunch








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