1. Bukhin, B.L., in "Raschety na Prochnost" ("Strength Analyses") No. 6, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960, pp. 56-65.
2. Eisenhart, P.E. "A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces," New York, Dover, 1960, p. 120.
3. Flugge, W. "Stresses in Shells," Berlin, Springer, 1960, pp. 18-48.
4. Gol'denveizer, A.L. "Theory of Elastic Thin Shells," New York, Pergamon, 1961, pp. 474-483.
5. Haas, R. "The Stretching of the Fabric and the Deformation of the Envelope in Nonrigid Balloons," NACA Third Annual Report, Report No. 16, 1917, p. 157.