1. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA
Progress toward the institutionalization of macromarketing continues to occur. This article addresses the suggestion, implicit in Robert F. Lusch’s “Long Macro View,” that the institutional norms of macromarketing deserve scrutiny. Specifically, this article argues that insights on macromarketing’s existing and appropriate institutional norms can be found in (1) the first, truly marketing, academic journal article ever written, “Some Problems in Market Distribution,” (2) the first macromarketing conference held at the University of Colorado in 1976, (3) the “four eras” historical analysis of aggregate marketing systems by William Wilkie and Elizabeth Moore, and (4) the service- dominant-logic of Stephen Vargo and Robert F. Lusch. This article argues that these works suggest fifteen institutional norms for macromarketing scholars to consider, discuss, and evaluate.
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7 articles.