1. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
2. State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Having an affirming and inclusive school environment is pertinent to the well-being of LGBTQ+ students of color. However, research indicates that existing school policies and protections are insufficient to support this population. The present study investigates how LGBTQ+ individuals of color perceived their K–12 experiences related to their intersectional identity and their interactions with school counselors. In a focus group of three LGBTQ+ college students of color, participants recounted how they navigated their identities during their K–12 schooling. The analysis yielded five themes related to the participants’ identities: (a) isolation, (b) delayed identity development, (c) peer pressure and aggression, (d) teachers’ bias and (micro)aggressions, and (e) heteronormative curriculum and extracurricular activities. Regarding the students’ experiences with school counselors, three themes emerged: (a) school counselors were too busy to talk, (b) uncertainty about who was an ally, and (c) unsureness of confidentiality. Findings underscored the unique challenges LGBTQ+ students of color encounter related to receiving support and engaging in identity development. We discuss implications and recommendations for school counselors and school systems.