1. Extension Services in Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin
Extension, Madison
This paper examines the use of audio cassettes as a means of continuing profes sional education. Along with a review of the various educational uses for audio cassettes and the presentation of one successful model for continuing education, the paper reports on the results of a study of over 700 pharmacists utilizing ten dif ferent cassette courses. The study revealed that these courses were valuable and practical learning experiences, equally acceptable to all pharmacists regardless of practice setting or experience. They offered a convenient and time-saving method for professional study and most pharmacists would recommend them to their col leagues. A majority of the pharmacists studied had participated previously in this form of continuing education, and almost all intended to enroll in additional courses in the future. Although the study was restricted to pharmacists, the find ings and the utilization of audio cassettes could be appropriate for other profes sions.
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7 articles.