1. The University of Toledo, OH, USA
The Planning to Make Meals Performance Measure (PMMPM) was initially created as an outcome measure for an occupation-based program dedicated to helping individuals living in poverty maximize their food resources. This article briefly describes the PMMPM and the results of a cross-sectional study examining construct validity. Forty-two participants completed the PMMPM, Food Skills Confidence Measure (FSCM), and Cooking Skills Confidence Measure (CSCM). Analysis using Spearman’s correlations revealed that one or more PMMPM score significantly correlated with the FSCM ( r = .37–.50, p ≤ .05) and the CSCM ( r = .44–.49, p = .01). These findings add to the psychometric properties of the PMMPM, promoting its usefulness as an alternative to self-report measures for programs seeking to enhance food, cooking, or resource management skills. Creating authentic and direct performance measures that assess complex constructs or skills is another way occupational therapy can contribute to health and well-being.
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