1. CIDCA (CIC-CONICET - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas - Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Argentina
2. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
Amaranth flour from germinated (GA) and non-germinated (A) seeds (0%-C, 5%, 15%, 25%) were mixed with wheat flour for breadmaking. Fermentation parameters of dough (time-tf, maximum volume-Vmax) were obtained. Specific volume (Vsp) of breads, crust color, texture and relaxation of crumb were analyzed. A high amount of germinated amaranth flour decreased Vmax and increased tf, obtaining breads with low Vsp and darkness crust. A firmed and chewy crumb, although with a more aerated structure (high area occupied by alveoli) was obtained. The GA25 bread presented the softer crumb. The elastic modulus-E1 of crumb increased and the relaxation time-T1 decreased with higher amounts of amaranth flour, suggesting the formation of a more structured crumb; mainly in the case of non-germinated amaranth flour. Wheat flour resisted the inclusion of 25% of germinated amaranth seeds (GA25) without substantial changes in bread quality.
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,General Chemical Engineering,Food Science
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12 articles.