A new computerized technique for the assessment of human nasal ciliary beat frequency is described. Thirty normal volunteers underwent nasal cytologic brushing to obtain ciliary samples. In each subject, 150 ciliary beats were analyzed from each of 50 separate ciliated cell clusters. The ciliary beat frequency for each area was determined with fast Fourier transformation. The results were plotted on a histogram to determine the ciliary beat distribution. The mean frequency for these samples was 11.29 Hz, with a standard deviation of 0.96 Hz. The median frequency for these samples was 11.25 Hz. These results show a marked improvement over hand-counting microphotometry techniques because of the much larger sampling size and elimination of much human error. We believe this method of ciliary analysis represents a significant advancement in the evaluation of ciliary function and should assist in the diagnosis of patients with congenital and acquired forms of ciliary dysmotility.
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