1. Coping with imposter syndrome in academia and research
2. Feminist scholars working around the neoliberal university
3. Action Ready (2019) Police Powers and Responsibilities.Action Ready, August. Available at: https://www.actionreadyqld.com/police-powers (accessed 20 July 2021).
4. Action Ready (2020) QPS officers photographed wearing Thin Blue Line patches at Bla(c)k deaths in custody events.Action Ready, 23 September. Available at: https://www.actionreadyqld.com/statements/qps-officers-photographed-wearing-thin-blue-line-patches-at-black-deaths-in-custody-events (accessed 20 July 2021).
5. Action Ready (2021)Legal Observer Report: Policing of the Land Forces Protests. 21 June. Queensland, Australia. Available at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d3f91a9a94ad50001e7a926/t/60d2a139f704562a0e549fdd/1624416595739/REPORT + 21.06.21 + %282%29.pdf (accessed 20 July 2021).