1. Berliner, D.C. & Rosenstine, B. The acquisition of knowledge in the classroom . In R. C. Anderson, R. J. Spiro. & W. E. Montague (Eds.), Schooling and the acquisition of knowledge . Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1977, 375-396.
2. Hagen, E. Review of MAT. In O. K. Buros (Ed.), The seventh mental measurements yearbook. Highland Park, NJ: Gryphon Press, 1972, 30-31.
3. A Quota System for Gifted Minority Children: a Viable Solution
4. Mehrns, W.A. Review of SESAT Level In O. K. Buros (Ed.), The seventh mental measurements yearbook. Highland Park, NJ: Gryphon Press, 1972, 54-56.