1. Pat Colbert is head teacher at the G. R. Pearles Centre for Handicapped Children in Victoria. British Columbia, and has served as district counselor and as teacher at the Family Psychiatric Unit of Royal Jubilee Hospital. He received his MEd degree in counseling from the University of Victoria. Address: Pat Colbert. G. R. Pearles Centre for Handicapped Children. 3970 Haro Road. Victoria. British Columbia. Canada V8N 4A9.
2. Bonnie Newman is a diagnostic teacher at the Diagnostic Teaching Centre in the Greater Victoria School District #61 and formerly was a teacher at the Family Psychiatric Unit. She received her MS degree in extreme learning problems from Oregon College of Education.
3. Philip Ney is professor of psychological medicine at Christchurch School of Medicine in Christchurch. New Zealand, and previously was head of the Department of Psychiatry at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. He received his MD degree in psychiatry from the University of Illinois.
4. Judy Young is a medical nurse at Vitoria General Hospital and formerly ws a psychiatric nurse at Royal Jubilee Hospital. She received her RN degree from Whilby Psychiatric Hospital in Whitby, Ontario.