1. Patricia G. Mathes is an assistant professor of special education at Florida State University. She currently conducts classroom-based research on early literacy instruction and on instructional techniques for accommodating students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms. She also is exploring how students with learning disabilities differ from nondisabled students with low academic performance.
2. Douglas Fuchs is a professor of special education and co-director of the Kennedy Center's Institute on Education and Learning at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. He conducts research to assist teachers in accommodating diverse student needs. Address: Douglas Fuchs, Department of Special Education, Box 328, George Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37203.
3. P. Holley Roberts recently completed her doctoral program in the Department of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University.
4. Lynn S. Fuchs is a professor of special education and co-director of the Kennedy Center's Institute on Education and Learning at Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. She conducts research on teachers' ongoing assessment methods and the effects of instructional planning on student achievement.