1. George G. Bear, PhD, is an associate professor of school psychology and applied human development, College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy, University of Delaware. His current interests include self-perceptions of children with learning disabilities, and moral reasoning. Address: George G. Bear, Educational Studies, College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy, University of Delaware, Main St., Willard Hall, Newark, DE 19716.
2. Kathleen M. Minke, PhD, is an assistant professor of school psychology, College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy, University of Delaware. Her current interests include self-perceptions of children with learning disabilities, and family-school collaboration.
3. Shaunna M. Griffin, MA, is a doctoral student in applied human development, College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy, University of Delaware. Her current interests include self-perceptions of children with learning disabilities, and inclusion.
4. Sandra A. Deemer, MA, is a doctoral student in applied human development, College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy, University of Delaware. Her current interests include self-perceptions of children with learning disabilities, and teacher efficacy.