1. J. Ron Nelson, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Psychology at Eastern Washington University. He received his doctoral degree in special education from Utah State University. His major research interests include teaching methods for exceptional students and students at risk for school failure, as well as students' social and intellectual reasoning, Address: J. Ron Nelson, Department of Applied Psychology, MS/92, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004.
2. Deborah J. Smith, PhD, is project director in Disabled Student Services and adjunct professor in the Department of Applied Psychology at Eastern Washington University. She received her doctoral degree in special education from Utah State University. Her major research interests include self-management strategies for classroom deportment and academic performance, as well as cognitive instructional strategies.
3. John M. Dodd, EdD, is a professor in the Department of Reading and Special Education at Eastern Montana College. He received his doctoral degree in human development at the University of Kansas. His major research interests include culturally sensitive identification and programming for linguistically and culturally diverse students.