Ahn Ruth,Shimojima Yasuko,Mori Hisayoshi,Asanuma Shigeru
The high performance of Japanese students, as demonstrated on international tests, is well-known, but the professional learning of Japanese teachers has received less attention. Ruth Ahn, Yasuko Shimojima, Hisayoshi Mori, and Shigeru Asanuma describe the professional development requirements for teachers across their careers. Novice teachers are required to engage in at least 300 hours professional learning, with additional learning requirements at the 10-year mark and again for license renewal every 10 years. These learning programs received mixed reviews from teachers. However, teachers consistently praised the more informal learning that took place in shokuin shitsu, or teachers’ room. This space serves as a home base for teachers throughout the day, and as they move in and out of the space, they are able to seek advice and support for pressing problems. This collegial learning benefited not just beginners but also veteran and midcareer teachers.