1. Brams, S.J. (1973) "Positive coalition theory: the relationship between postulated goals and derived behavior," pp. 3-40 in C. P. Cotter (ed.) Political Science Annual, IV: An International Review. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill .
2. ——— (1972) "A cost/benefit analysis of coalition formation in voting bodies," pp. 101-124 in R. G. Niemi and H. F. Weisberg (eds.) Probability Models of Collective Decision-Making. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.
3. When to join a coalition, and with how many others, depends on what you expect the outcome to be
4. Brams, S.J. and W.H. Riker (1972) "Models of coalition formation in voting bodies ," pp. 79-124 in J. F. Herndon and J. L. Bernd (eds.) Mathematical Applications in Political Science, VI. Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia.