1. Diana Coben is Professor of Adult Numeracy at King's College, London. She undertakes research and publishes widely on issues in teaching, learning and assessment in adult numeracy, including in nursing and healthcare contexts.
2. Jeremy Hodgen is Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education at King's College, London. His research interests include progression in mathematics learning, assessment and formative assessment in mathematics education and the teaching of all aspects of mathematics.
3. Meriel Hutton is trained as a nurse in Australia and then moved to the UK where she qualified as a midwife and later worked in nurse education. Her Ph.D. examines how nurses gain mathematical competency She is Senior Visiting Research Fellow at King's College, London.
4. Sherri Ogston-Tuck is Lecturer in Nursing at King's College, London, specializing in the nursing of acutely ill adults, law, pain management, non-medical prescribing, mathematics/numeracy, pharmacology and clinical supervision.