1. School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
The mechanical drilling process is a typical step in treating bone fractures to fix broken parts with screws and plates. Drilling generates a significant amount of heat and elevates the temperature of the bone, which can cause thermal osteonecrosis and damage to the surrounding bone tissue and nerves. Thermal inertia between heat flux and temperature gradient in nonhomogeneous interior structural medium-like biological tissues is arguable. Therefore, this paper proposes an analytical model of heat propagation in bone drilling for orthopedic surgery based on the hyperbolic Pennes bioheat transfer equation (HPBTE). Drilling experiments in bovine cortical bone samples were also carried out using an infrared thermography approach to confirm the proposed analytical model. Around the drilled hole surface, thermal necrosis is spread out from 1 to 10 mm. Increased feed rate reduces necrosis penetration distance and increases intense bone necrosis. The HPBTE includes thermal relaxation time effect and internal convective function of tissue perfusion rate. As these factors are not considered in the parabolic heat transfer equation (PHTE), the results show that the HPBTE is more accurate in predicting temperature and thermal osteonecrosis than the PHTE. As a result, proposed analytical model is a handy tool for calculating temperature to avoid thermal damage while improving process efficiency. Furthermore, it has the capability of controlling the manual or robotic drilling procedure for minimally invasive operations.
Mechanical Engineering,General Medicine
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5 articles.