1. ERIC J. BRUNS, PhD, recently received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Vermont. His research interests are guided by a concern for providing innovative, family-centered, and socially responsible health and mental health services to children and their families.
2. JOHN D. BURCHARD, PhD, is a professor of psychology at the University of Vermont. He is a former Vermont state commissioner of Social and Rehabilitative Services and one of the leading proponents of community-based, individualized wraparound services for children and their families. Address: John D. Burchard, Department of Psychology, University of Vermont, John Dewey Hall, Burlington, VT 05405; e-mail: J_BURCHA@dewey.uvm.edu
3. PETER FROELICH, PhD, is a sociologist currently teaching at the University of Hawaii. Dr. Froelich has consulted as a planner and evaluator for numerous children's mental health programs, special education programs, juvenile corrections programs, and collaborative community service system development efforts.
4. JAMES T. YOE, PhD, is currently director of quality improvement and evaluation at the Maine Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services. Dr. Yoe served as director of the CMHS National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Mental Health Services Program for Children with Severe Emotional Disturbances.
5. THEODORE TIGHE, PhD, is currently an evaluator of children's services with the Vermont Department of Developmental and Mental Health Services. His research interests are in the design and evaluation of intensive family-based services and systems of care for children with severe emotional disturbance and their families.