1. A computer model to assess fire hazards in tunnels (FASIT)
2. . Kumar, S. 1992. "Fire Development and Smoke Spread in Tunnels-Some Modelling Considerations," First Int. Conference on Safety in Road & Rail Tunnels, (SIRRT1, Basel, Switzerland, November 23-25, published by University of Dundee and Independent Technical Conferences Ltd., pp. 379-394.
3. Geyer, T. A. W and M.I. Morris. 1995. "Channel Tunnel Safety Case: Quantitative Risk Analysis Methodology," Second Int. Conference on Safety in Road & Rail Tunnels, (SIRRT2, Granada, Spain, April 3-5, published by University of Dundee and International Technical Conferences Ltd., pp. 153-160.
4. A Model of Instability and Flashover