1. Bertrand, A., ?Opening Address,?Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels, 1992.
2. Haack, A., ?Fire Protection Traffic Tunnels-Initial Recognitions from Large Scale Tests,?Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels, 1992.
3. Luchian, S.F., ?The Central Artery/Tunnel Project Memorial Tunnel Fire Test Program,?Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels, 1992.
4. Thomas, P.H., ?The Movement of Buoyant Fluid Against a Stream and the Venting of Underground Fires,?Fire Research Note 351/1958, Fire Research Station, U.K., 1958.
5. Thomas, P.H., ?The Movement of Smoke in Horizontal Passages Against an Air Flow,?Fire Research Note 723/1968, Fire Research Station, U.K., 1968.