Comics are increasingly being used in higher education for teaching and research, as demonstrated by the recent publication of comics in The Annals of Internal Medicine and other academic journals. This article examines how the ascendance of graphic novels to the realm of ‘proper’ literature has simultaneously paved the way for this acceptance of comics as scholarly discourse while obscuring the much longer tradition of pedagogical comics dating to before World War II. In the process, it will highlight some of the ways comics can be used in education, and suggest the benefits of using comics as multimodal scholarship.
Communication,Cultural Studies
Reference38 articles.
1. BMJ 2012, ‘The BMJ Rises to 4th Place in Global Rankings of Most Cited General Medical Journals’, BMJGroup, http://group.bmj.com/group/media/latest-news/the-bmj-rises-to-4th-place-in-global-rankings-of-most-cited-general-medical-journals
Cited by
13 articles.