Falling bladder cancer incidence from 1990 to 2009 is not producing universal mortality improvements


Eylert MF1,Hounsome LS2,Persad RA3,Bahl A4,Jefferies ER5,Verne J2,Mostafid H6


1. Department of Urology, Morriston Hospital, UK.

2. South West Public Health Observatory, UK.

3. Department of Urology, Bristol Royal Infirmary, UK.

4. Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, UK.

5. Department of Urology, Royal United Hospital, UK.

6. Department of Urology, The Royal Berkshire Hospital, UK


Objective The objective of this article is to obtain up-to-date epidemiological statistics of bladder cancer in England. Methods We collected incidence from the National Cancer Data Repository (NCDR), survival from the national Cancer Information System (CIS), ethnicity information from the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), mortality and smoking rates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Results Incidence of bladder cancer has fallen continuously. Mortality has reduced less, leading to worsening survival. Bladder cancer mainly affects men, the most deprived, and the elderly. The gender gap is decreasing, and the deprivation gap is unchanged. Mortality is unchanged in the youngest, oldest and least deprived females. Mortality has recently increased in the oldest males. The highest incidence and mortality is found in industrial areas. This study is limited by i) its retrospective design using existing databases, allowing identification of associations and statistical differences, but not causation; and ii) very restricted ethnicity data. onclusion Reductions in bladder cancer incidence and mortality in England coincide with a decrease in high-risk occupations and public health measures to reduce smoking. Some risk factors in modern living may as yet be unidentified. It remains paramount to ensure equity of access and treatment regardless of gender, age, region and social deprivation to further improve mortality.


SAGE Publications










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