1. Michael H. Epstein, EdD, is a professor of special education at Northern Illinois University. His research interests are in the areas of adolescents with behavior disorders, academic functioning, and interagency collaboration.
2. Edward A. Polloway EdD, is a professor of special education at Lynchberg College. He is the coauthor of four text books related to instructional methodology for children and adolescents and has published a variety of articles focusing on various aspects of curriculum and methodology for exceptional learners.
3. Regina M. Foley, EdD, is an assistant professor of special education at Southern Illinois University. Her research interests focus on behavior and learning problems of students with mild handicaps.
4. James R. Patton, EdD, is an adjunct professor at the University of Texas and a textbook consultant at PRO-ED publishers. His interests focus on curriculum development and issues related to teaching students with special needs. Address: Michael H. Epstein, Special Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115.