1. Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS, Kentucky).
2. Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS, Kentucky) where he serves priority schools with data and research to support informed decision-making.
This study addressed the problem of job satisfaction of new teachers in large urban school districts. Understanding what contributes to job satisfaction of new teachers has implications for retention strategies supporting cost-effective human capital management as well as for improving working conditions and performance in the educational accountability era. The study used personal characteristics, general job facets, and specific job facets as predictors. The full set of predictor variables explained 71% of the variance in new teacher job satisfaction. The study found that overall new teacher job satisfaction correlates with (a) preparedness, (b) leadership, (c) independence, (d) time, and (e) benefits. Addressing each correlate could likely increase new teacher job satisfaction and retention in the teaching profession particularly in the high-need, hard-to-staff schools. Implications for practice and research are discussed.
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12 articles.