1. Nancy J. Davis is Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at DePauw University. She is continuing work with Robert Robinson on the connections between moral cosmology and social action in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Comunione e Liberazione in Italy, Shas in Israel, and the Salvation Army in the United States, as well as on the effect of moral cosmology on political activism among Muslims in Muslim-majority nations. She recently published an article on teaching...
2. Robert V. Robinson is Chancellor's Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Indiana University. He recently completed studies of the effect of moral cosmology on Americans' sense of community (in City & Community with Robyn Ryle) and values for children (in Social Forces with Brian Starks). He is continuing work with Nancy Davis on religiously orthodox communitarian movements in Egypt, Italy, Israel, and the United States, on President Bush's democracy doctrine for the Muslim world, and on...