1. Mary Wright is an instructional consultant at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Her scholarly interests include research university faculty beliefs about teaching, gender and student evaluations, and classroom research.
2. Nandini Assar is a community educator at the Voluntary Action Center of the New River Valley in Christiansburg, Virginia. She works with community-based organizations to build capacity. Her academic areas of interest are political economy, gender analysis, migration studies, and civic engagement. She completed her Ph.D. in 2000, and after several years of teaching at Virginia Tech, her interest in civic education and service learning drew her to work with community agencies.
3. Edward L. Kain is University Scholar and Professor of Sociology at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. His research includes examinations of social change and families, the undergraduate curriculum in sociology, and a variety of issues related to teaching. He is a member of the ASA Department Resources Group and serves on the ASA Task Force on the Undergraduate Major.
4. Laura Kramer is a professor of sociology and women's studies at Montclair State University in New Jersey. Her interests include gender, work, and higher education. Most recently, Kramer investigated the teaching role of engineering faculty. She is a member of the ASA Department Resources Group, leads faculty development workshops for the New Jersey Project, and serves as an outside evaluator of the NSF-ADVANCE Program at New Mexico State University
5. Carla B. Howery is the Deputy Executive Officer of the American Sociological Association where she directs the Academic and Professional Affairs Program. She has been on the ASA professional staff for 22 years working primarily on teaching and higher education issues.
6. Kathleen McKinney is Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and professor of sociology at Illinois State University. Her research interests include teaching and learning in higher education, human sexuality, and personal relationships. McKinney has served as past editor of Teaching Sociology and is currently a member of the ASA Department Resources Group and the ASA Task Force on the Undergraduate Major.
7. Becky Glass is Associate Professor of Sociology and inaugural Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at SUNY-Geneseo. Her research interests include development and population, family sociology, and faculty development and evaluation. She is a member of the ASA Department Resources Group.
8. Maxine P. Atkinson is an associate professor at North Carolina State University. She teaches the graduate course required for Preparing Future Faculty certification titled “Teaching Sociology” and coordinates the department's “Integrating Data Analysis” program for undergraduates. Her research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning and sociology of the family.