1. Department of Orthodontics, Lenora Institute of Dental Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Pristyn Care, GHV Advanced Care Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, Telangana, India
3. Lenora Institute of Dental Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India
Introduction In view of the increased use of computers and mobile technologies in orthodontics, there is a need for evaluating the accuracy of commercially available cephalometric software. Aim This study compares the accuracies of computer-assisted tracing, smartphone tracing with the manual method of tracing in the pre-treatment lateral cephalograms of the orthodontic patients. Materials and Methods A total of 100 cephalograms, both digital and hard copies, were collected from the records available in the department archives. Hard and soft copies were used for obtaining values of 17 parameters for comparison between different groups. i.e (Manual, NemoCeph®, AutoCeph®, CephNinja®, OneCeph®) Results No statistical significance between groups for SNA, SNB, ANB, FMA, SN-GoGn, U1-NA Angular,linear, L1-NB Angular, linear, IMPA and interincisal angle (p=0.798, 0.583, 0.895, 0.059, 0.140, 0.680, 0.161, 0.327, 0.906, 0.940, 0.789). A significant difference was seen for parameters Eff-Mx,Mn lengths and differential, L1-Occlusal plane, WITS, NLA.(p=0.000, 0.004, 0.018, 0.004, 0.025). Suggesting the possibility of use of software for tracing instead of manual method. Conclusions All the software (NemoCeph®, AutoCeph®, CephNinja®, OneCeph®)as well as applications performed satisfactorily and these can be used instead of manual tracing.