1. Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of Moscow Region, Department of Forensic Medicine, M. F. Vladimirskii Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
2. Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of Moscow Region,Department of Forensic Medicine, M. F. Vladimirskii Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute
Objectives. To investigate the dynamics, structure and frequency of the discrepancy in the fnal clinical and forensic autopsy diagnoses in cases of death from external causes. Material and methods. We studied the materials of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Region for 2014–2018. Te extent of examinations was 8415 cases of deaths of persons who died in hospitals of the Moscow Region and underwent the forensic examination. It was a complete research. Research methods: documentary, statistical, graphic, comparative analysis. Te quality index of intravital diagnostics was calculated. Te indicators of comparison of the fnal clinical and forensic autopsy diagnoses were analyzed for the reasons of discrepancy in diagnoses, the infuence of incorrect clinical diagnosis on the adverse outcome was established. Descriptive statistics is presented in the form of relative intensive and extensive coefcients. Results. As was found, in the Moscow Region in the period of 2014–2018 the proportion of discrepancy in diagnoses in cases of death from external causes decreased from 12.8 % to 9.6 %. Te percentage of discrepancy in diagnoses in cases of death from traumatic brain injury decreased from 12.9 % to 6.6 %, spinal injury from 11.4 % to 4.4 %, combined injury from 7.8 % to 3.7 %. Conclusion. In hospitals the Moscow region in the period of 2014–2018 diagnosis of head injury, spine, combined blunt trauma of the body was improved.
Law,Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Anatomy
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