1. Moscow Region Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination;
M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute (MONIKI)
Aim. In this research, we compare the antemortem and postmortem diagnosis in fatal head injury cases with the purpose of establishing the structure and causes of incorrect diagnoses.Material and methods. 1223 cases of fatal outcomes with the clinical diagnosis of death from head trauma were examined. In each case, we carried out a comparison of the clinical and autopsy diagnosis in terms of all report headings in order to establish reasons for divergence in the antemortem and postmortem diagnoses and the role of incorrect clinical diagnostics in the onset of death.Results. In 35% of cases, the clinical head trauma diagnoses were incorrectly categorized. In 22.6% cases, the antemortem diagnoses were formulated not in correspondence with the modern classifi cation and terms of ICD-10. In 11.7% cases, the violation of the etiopathogenesis principle was observed. Clinical diagnoses were not supported by objective data and examination results in 4.5% cases. The discrepancy between the clinical and autopsy diagnoses in terms of the ‘underlying disease’, ‘complications’ and ‘concomitant’ headings was 15.6%, 10.1% and 14.0% from all the studied cases, respectively. Subjective reasons are found to statistically predominate among the identifi ed reasons for the divergence of diagnoses.Conclusion. It is established that fi nal clinical diagnoses in fatal head injury cases fail to fully meet the criteria of structure, nosology, etiopathogenesis and reliability. Erroneous diagnoses are found to result from underestimation of clinical data, insuffi cient observation and instrumental examination of patients, incorrect formulation of the fi nal clinical diagnosis.
Kuban State Medical University
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