The methods and forms of e-learning and distance educational technologies: Blended learning 2.0


Mukhametshin R. R.1ORCID


1. A. Kh. Khalikov Institute of Archaeology of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; Kazan State Institute of Culture


Several findings of the study of students’ attitude toward methods and forms of e-learning and distance educational technologies, are discussed. The surveyed area of studies is “library and information activities”. In May, 2021, the author conducted the survey at educational institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The master program students demonstrated the higher level of engagement working with electronic and online learning technologies than the undergraduates. The author explains this with the fact that postgraduate students are offered more time for their independent work, moreover, they master the universal competence – “the ability of self-organization and self-education”. The author establishes that big (and possibly, excessive) number of information systems and mass media was used for the final and midterm assessment and knowledge transfer using distance learning technologies. In the final part of the study, the author demonstrates that the vast majority of respondents (75.7% bachelors and 81.5% masters) think it necessary to apply e-learning and online technologies in education. The study enables to evaluate the modern trends of continuing library and information education and to specify challenges of its development in the circumstances of digital transformation of education and culture.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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