1. Webinar «Distance Learning Formats at Universities» http://www.fa.ru/News/2020-03-18-webinar.aspx
2. Kirillova T.V. Professionalism and self-development of a teacher as a condition for improving the quality of professional training in departmental educational organizations // Questions of pedagogy. 2020. No. 4-2. P. 177–180.
3. Kirillova T.V., Korshunova A.A. Problems of organizing the educational process using distance learning technologies in a pandemic // Pedagogy. 2020. No. 4-2. P. 180–182.
4. The Ministry of Education and Science recommended that universities organize distance learning https://rg.ru/2020/03/15/minobrnauki-rekomendovalo-vuzam-organizovat-distancionnoe-obuchenie.html
5. Mikhnenko P.A., Zaikina P.N. The state program «Information Society»: problems of the formation of the current information environment // Problems of theory and practice of management. 2020. No. 1. P. 6–24.