Origins of Russian libraries computerization: Implementing ideas of Stas A. Sbitnev. On the occasion of the 100-th anniversary


Gendina Natalya1,Kolkova Nadezhda1,Skipor Inna1


1. Kemerovo State University of Culture, Kemerovo, Russia


The authors characterize the contribution of Stas Sbitnev, a prominent scholar, founder of Kemerovo State Institute of Culture Library Department, RSFSR Honored Worker of Culture, into the development of Russian libraries automation and computerization. The stages and products of his research and pedagogical work are characterized. It was Stas A. Sbitnev who was the first in the USSR to provide for special training of librarians and bibliographers as “computerized library system technologists”. The vectors of Sbitnev’s scientific ideas realization in the modern digital society are discussed. The evolution of approaches toward the integrated library information systems information support is characterized with a glance to the current advance of digital information resources. The newness and versatility of Sbitnev’s studies in 1980-1990s are represented by the data in the table. The contribution his followers made into the theory of library information technology linguistic support is characterized. Research and development vectors now being explored by his followers are also described. The sphere of personal information culture as a research and practical area is also in the focus.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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