Preservation and popularization of the scientific, historical and cultural heritage of the university (to the 55th anniversary of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture)


Taranenko L. G.1ORCID


1. Kemerovo State Institute of Culture


The author examines the issues of preserving and promoting the historical, scientific, and cultural heritage of the Institute of Culture. She characterizes the heritage and the main ways of its promotion (through publishing scientific and educational works, organizing library collections, building digital resources, hosting various events, loading digital content about the Institute to the Internet environment, etc.). Special attention is paid to the capability of the specialized (library) department to solve the issues of creating, promoting, and preserving the university’s heritage as the educational and research problems. Several aspects of interaction between the Library Department and the Scientific Library of Kemerovo State Institute of Culture are discussed. The main research methods applied were: bibliometric analysis of indicators of scientific output of the faculty and students, as provided by external digital information aggregators, as well as the direct analysis of departmental reports. The Institute of Culture is seen as the object of cultural heritage for educational and scientific purposes of students of the Department Faculty of Information, Library and Museum Technologies.The author concludes, in particular, that close integration of the Institute’s library and its Library Department enables to solve complex problems related to the institutional heritage. The findings of the study may be applied in other institutes and universities of culture of the Russian Federation.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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