Designing the single knowledge space based on network-centric information infrastructure in the modern age of digital economy development (Annual paper presented to the Fourth World Professional Forum «Crimea-2018»)


Shrayberg Yakov1


1. Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia


Traditionally, the annual report opens the World Professional Crimea Forum. Primarily, the speaker focuses on the concept of digital economy interpreted as the economic relations system based on the digital information and communication technologies. The Program “Digital economy of the Russian Federation” is reviewed. Several concepts, e. g. bitcoin and blockchain, Industry 4.0, New Internet, etc., are defined. The current problems of the Internet are examined, in particular, the lack of the single management and development center. The statistical data on the profile and involvement of the internet users is reported. Special attention is given to using Internet in Russia and the related problem of copyright in Russia and worldwide. The role of open access in building the knowledge environment and the role of the main contributors to the process, namely, publishers, libraries, educational institutions, are emphasized. Online education and accessible seamless education environment are specified as the main trends in education, The key vectors of developing knowledge content and its application in the digital environment are defined, these are: inclusiveness, artificial intelligence and green (sustainable) libraries, etc. The current situation in the global book market is evaluated on the basis of the results of the London Book Fair 2018. The project “The modern digital educational environment in the Russian Federation” is examined along with the projected results. The role of the National Electronic Library as the major innovative library project and the national information system is emphasized. The author concludes that the libraries of the future become an essential part of the national and global information infrastructure.


State Public Scientific-Technical Library

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