Competencies of Librarians in the Ecosystem of Open Science


Redkina N. S.1ORCID


1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The development of an open science information infrastructure requires the presence of highly qualified library staff. He should be capable of responding to and interested in changes in science and technology, able to create innovative information products and make them available to the public, organize new forms of interaction with scientists, implement educational programs, and advise on associated with the concept of open science. The study is conducted in order to determine the areas of training and practice-oriented training for additional professional programs and retraining of specialized specialists. These programs are the specialists to acquire practical skills in the creation and use of open information resources of various types, the formation of information culture of users, the development of scientific communication and new library and information services. The results of the analysis of the required competencies of library specialists are presented. They take into account the trends in the development of the information ecosystem of open science and building relationships with users through partnerships; the system of different training in Russia is studied and the gap between the education of librarians and the practice of their work on information support of research activities is determined.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS


General Medicine

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