Changing scientific knowledge entails the exclusion of some areas of research and inclusion of others into the main line of development of science, with the new publications revising well-established concepts and offering the new ones. Any rational reconstruction of the history of science has to identify the line of development that has resulted in the modern knowledge.The Soviet Library and Bibliographic Classification developed in the mid-20th century responded to the challenges of the epoch. The paradigm shift of the 1990s in this country resulted in the conceptual revision of scientific values and the emergence of new academic disciplines. That period gave rise to applied studies with their specific goals and values, standards and norms.In the recent period, the humanities studies proliferate to construct generalized interdisciplinary theory. The vast number of publications in the humanities knowledge suggests that the appropriate place for these studies within the structure of the national Library Bibliographic Classification has to be found.
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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