The constant increase in the number of publications containing the term “humanitarian” in the title, the subject and methodological diversity of these works testify to the formation of the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, including not only traditional Humanities (cultural studies, literary studies, philology, linguistics, etc.), but also philosophical, transdisciplinary, methodological, popular science and even pseudo-scientific texts. All this literature needs to be systematized.Meanwhile, the literature on various aspects of humanitarian sphere in the system of Library Bibliographic Classification (LBC) is scattered in different sections. In part, it can be found in the sections of philosophy, epistemology and philosophical anthropology, in part it can be placed in cultural studies, in the philosophy of science. In addition, there are texts that are difficult to classify basing on the existing dividing.The term “humanitarian” did not immediately begin to be used in compilation of LBC Schedules that is largely due to the lack of clear differentiation of social and humanitarian knowledge. Until now, there are different traditional approaches in literature in considering their correlation. In our opinion, the trends towards their increasingly clear differentiation are quite clear. Therefore, the determination of the place for literature in the humanitarian sphere in the LBC Schedules is becoming more and more important. According to the authors’ opinion, it would be logical in front of the row of the Humanities to single out the section “Humanities as a whole”, which would head the LBC sector “Culture. Science. Education”. The authors suggest putting here the literature on General characteristic features of humanitarian knowledge, its role in spiritual culture, philosophical and cultural reflections on the humanitarian sphere. Publications in which researchers are trying to implement a new synthesis of the Humanities would also find their place here. The section may include literature on humanitarian knowledge, its structure, features and functions in society. An important feature of the development of the humanitarian sphere is the development of problems of practical application of humanitarian knowledge. Literature on digital Humanities, humanitarian informatics, humanitarian technologies and humanitarian expertise will also be reflected in this section.
FSBI Russian State Library
Reference17 articles.
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